Oxfordshire Georgian House 

dining room

dining room



When our clients bought this important Georgian townhouse overlooking the cricket pitch, it was in need of refurbishment. They were passionate about the renoovation work and in ensuring that the house was stripped back and sympathetically restored to it's former elegance.
We worked alongside architects Holland and Green and Stuart Barr Construction on all the interior architectural finishes and colours. Reclaimed original fireplaces were installed and overpainted woodwork stripped back to reveal it's natural beauty. Where new floors were required we chose options to blend as closely as possible witht the original finishes. A soft chalky palatte of greys and greens and blues was chosen and this palatte flowed throughout the house.

"Louise came to our rescue part way through the complete restoration of a Grade 2* Georgian house and from our first meeting we knew she was an extremely creative and talented designer.

Working with us, architects, builders and Historical England was no mean feat and she guided us through, what seemed like a mine field at times, using her professional competence and wonderfully calm disposition. She responded immediately to any queries and astounded us with her attention to detail and what seemed like encyclopedic knowledge of her field.

In short, Louise enthused and inspired us - sourcing the most amazing items; opening our eyes to colour/texture/design and yet never once making us feel we were as inexperienced as we clearly were. We now have the most comfortable and beautiful home that has been brought into the 21st century. Louise is a total professional, a perfectionist with impeccable taste and at all times was a delight to work with and looking back we should have given her a freer rein. No wonder her work has been recognised internationally. "



Elegant classical bathrooms were designed to fit very quietly in the house. We worked with Stuart Barr Kitchens to design a new kitchen which whilst offering all modern requirments retained the character of it's beautiful new surroundings.